Emma Horan

Climber & Route Setter

Emma has been climbing for over 23 years, representing Australia in various World Cups across boulder and lead (boulder being the discipline of choice), since she was 14 years old. Emma boasts the third-best results among female athletes ever to participate in an Open World Cup from Australia, following Sam Berry and Oceania Mackenzie.

She has transitioned away from competitive climbing to establish herself as a highly regarded route setter.

Although engaging in world cup competitions becomes challenging once involved in setting, she believes that setting world cups holds greater prestige in the route-setting community than competing in them. Notably, Emma was responsible for setting the Boulder World Cup in Salt Lake City in 2022 and the World Youth Championship in Seoul in 2023.

Despite her shift to route setting, she maintains her athletic prowess, essential for testing the boulders in these events. As one of the five National Chief Route Setters in Australia, Emma has also delved into other climbing pursuits, such as ice climbing and mountaineering.

For more, follow Emma @emmawarriorprincess

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